We are a Non Profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to supporting our members with the best resources for their families.



My name is Adam Mitchell. I began Close Quarter Dad  with one goal in mind, and that's to provide men with the knowledge they need to teach their children safety, resilience and survival.

I'm a Dad of four kids, and I have been teaching families the skills of personal protection for over twenty years at my school in New York. In 2006, I recognized a specific need that most men yearned for as Dads, but didn't have the access or understanding to the type of training they needed to truly keep their families safe under any circumstance.

As a result, I created this program.  Here, you will work with other Dads, alongside myself and some of the world's top trainers in their field of expertise. You will end up having a completely different outlook on what keeping your family safe means. 

Close Quarter Dad is a place for men committed to building strong kids and life-long memories together.  I welcome you on this journey together. 


About 14 years ago I started noticing a pattern among parents of the children at my school. In most cases it would be the moms engaging in their kids’ martial arts classes, and the dads would usually stay away or wait out in the parking lot.

After spending some time researching this, I was able to determine that a large group of Dads felt uncomfortable facing another man who was teaching their child something they instinctively felt was their role, and somehow they didn't have the capacity or understanding  how to prepare their kids for facing difficulties in life. In fact, they felt a bit embarrassed that another man was teaching their kids how to defend themselves instead of them.


This feeling of being “replaced,” when their kids looked up to their martial arts teacher instead of their dad, was driving a split between the dads and their kids. So after a lot of trial and error trying to get the dads involved, I came to the realization that I needed to empower the dads to take back the role of teaching their kids how to stand up for themselves. So that they would be the ones preparing their kids for the challenges they are going to face in their lives.

That slowly turned into Close Quarter Dad , giving men parenting tactics to not only teach their kids how to defend themselves, but also how to achieve success, learn life and management skills, become decisive, and the many other aspects involved in raising happy, healthy and well-adjusted kids.


I'm a fellow Dad of four amazing kids. They are the light of my world. My career has been centered on keeping people safe, teaching families and professionals the topics of personal protection, survival and martial arts at my school in New York for over 20 years.

I'm lucky to have built a network of friends in these communities, and they are best at what they do. I look forward to bringing them to your own training, and having them share with you as well.  And, I've been honored to teach seminars and workshops around the world. I'll always make myself available for training alongside those committed to being better people.

I still ride a skateboard, love to snowboard and disappear in remote parts of the world on a bicycle whenever I can. If you need to reach me, please email. I read and resond personally: [email protected]